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How big will my flower arrangement be?

We have bouquets in all sizes, here's how to view the difference
When sending flowers by the internet and putting your trust in an online Florist, you want to feel reassured that what you see is what you send. How does Best Blooms - one of Auckland's favourite flower delivery services measure up?

Did you Know?

As part of Best Blooms 100% Guarantee Process that we send you a Photo of your Gift as it heads out on the courier for delivery.
It's a popular part of our service and customers love seeing the real actual gift, that is being sent out on their behalf - You really do get to share in the moment.
You can check out a live stream of real photos of todays bouquets within the Testimonials Page.

How Big will my Bouquet be?

It's a question of Size! One question we get asked a lot when people are ordering flowers, is how big will my bouquet be?

We have just upgraded the website to show bouquets in different size options, and have added in some approximate size measurements, but the best benchmark of course is showing someone holding the flowers.

These are roughly the sizes of the range of bouquets that we offer.
Please note that size does vary, and of course the bigger the bouquet, the more luxurious special flowers we are able to include in your design.

The Bouquet florists are modelling is our Peace White Bouquet:

Size of Small White Bouquet with one of our florists holding to show sizeflorist holding the standard size white sympathy bouquet


Owner Jo Moss holding the premium size white peace bouquet Senior Florist Holding the largest size white peace bouquet



See our full range of Different Colour Flower Bouquets

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Jo-Ann Moss - Senior Florist  |  23 November 2022, 03:06 PM

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