It's June and here in N.Z. we look forward to celebrating the public holiday of Matariki (Maori New Year) this weekend. I have gone investigating to learn more about both Matariki, and take a closer look at New Zealand Native Flowers to share with you. New Zealanders are celebrating this unique Maori holiday with its throughtful meanings and links to family and friends, as something special to grab onto and create a special winter holiday weekend, which will become more meaningful to all Kiwis. Stuff NZ calls it the slow rebuild of something special.
But first off - What is the Matariki Star Cluster?
As one of the closest star clusters to earth (well if you can call 440 light years close!) Matariki is recognised around the globe, where it carries other names you may have heard before - Pleiades is its ancient Greek name, in English its called the Seven Sisters, and this cluster is also known as Subaru in Japan.
The reappearance of the cluster of 9 stars in June, traditionally signals to Māori the start of the new year with renewal and celebration. Historically, Matariki is the navigation star used by ancient travellers to navigate from island homes in the moana (water) to reach Aotearoa, so they are culturally very important. I have gathered information for this article from Te Papa - Matariki: The Māori New Year.
Traditionally Māori do not focus on the stars above, but they look to the whenua (land) below. It's winter, the cold, dark time of the year – the hard work of harvest is now finished, and it is a time to huddle together with your whānau (family) in the long nights to cook together and enjoy sharing kai (food), share kōrero (talking and discussions), family histories and whakapapa (genealogy), share waiata (songs), and to come together to look forward to the coming year.
Matariki symbolises the mother and her children, with each star named and holding special meaning and significance. Mata Riki translates as the Eyes of God.
Matariki is a time for Reflection - reflecting on what we can learn from the past and honouring those who have passed on, in order to realise our aspirations for the coming year. Sending a kiwiana themed flower display to show your aroha to your whanau or friends, to signify new beginnings or to honour family members that have passed on is a lovely way to celebrate Matariki weekend. Best Blooms Florist offers FREE Delivery in Tāmaki Makaurau (Auckland NZ).
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More Information on Cultural Floral Celebrations in NZ :
Jo-Ann Moss - Florist Best Blooms | 21 June 2022, 01:14 AM
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