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Lily Lightness

Orange and Yellow Asiatic Lilies
Orange and Yellow Asiatic Lilies
Bouquet of asiatic lilies in yellow and orange lilies
(117 Reviews)

Fresh Asiatic Lilies Bouquet

Fresh from the flower markets, bright long-lasting Asiatic Lilies. These popular asiatic lily blooms are perfect to send for a cheer up gift, birthday surprise flower delivery, or a get well bouquet. Don't forget - FREE Delivery in Auckland.

Simple, but artfully presented - perfect flowers to pop in a vase or the recipient can choose to leave the lilies in the water-filled vox box to enjoy. It's easy for them to receive the flowers with no fuss or hassle.

Colour of your Asiatic Lilies Bouquet:

Asiatic lilies come in a multitude of colours from bright orange flowers, to happy yellow lily blooms to creamy white asiatic lilies and pink tones.
We try as much as we can to stick to the bouquet picture as shown using yellow lilies and orange asiatic lilies. However please note this does vary on some days subject to fresh lilies available.

Please Note:

Your lilies may be sent in bud form for long lasting freshness, so they can enjoy them for weeks.

Cat Safety

Please note - Lilies are poisonous to cats, so we do not recomend sending this bouquet to cat owners.

Here is our collection of Yellow & Orange Bouquets >
Please see here for our full range of Lily Bouquets >

Free Flower, Hamper and Gift Delivery Auckland with Best Blooms Florist Award Winning Florist, Best Blooms Florist, Auckland 100% Money Back Guarantee with Best Blooms Florist

1. Select your Beautiful Arrangement

Standard Lily Lightness


2. Add a Special Touch

A more personal touch. Have your message printed in a Keepsake Gift Card from local artist Christina Maassen. We will beautifully match your card to your flowers. Makes your gift even more special...


Add a pretty keepsake butterfly to your flowers. Something to delight the recipient, as it continues to remind them of your thoughtfulness. We will colour match the butterfly to your flowers. Add more than one, to make your gift even more charming.


Nourishing hand cream in the beautiful scent of Fresh Cut Orchids. Contains essential oils and pure extracts, and free from animal testing. 100ml


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